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From Abdu'l-baha about the "true baha'i"

"Each sees in the other the beauty of God reflected in the soul, and finding this point of similarity. They are attracted to one another in love. This love will bring the realization of true accord, the foundation of real unity. Turn toward God and seek always to that which is right and noble: enrich the poor, raise the fallen, comfort the sorrowful, bring healing to the sick, reassure the fearful, rescue the oppress, bring hope to the hopeless and shelter the destitute. These are the works of"True BAHA'I".

The Website of the "TRUE BAHA'IS"

considering in practical way to challenge successfully for the UNITY OF MANKIND, WORLD ONE FAMILY,present UNITED NATIONS' to become united nations' Legitimate World Government to establish the LAW without any war, hate and prejudice giving Equal Opportunity, Rights & Respect to all the people and creating a new Language or selecting one of the present languages such as english language as a universal language to remove the barrier of misunderstanding.

Essential Harmony Between Religion and Science

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A meaningful world peace must be established to prevent social and environmental damages resulting to the collapse of the valuable existence of God's earth.

WAR, HATE and Prejudice must be strongly eliminated as they would not help the peace and love of mankind. These destructive actions would hinder the governments of all the nations to have peace over the life of the population aspiring for unity, joy and prosperity.

The International Bahá’í Movement has been formed to introduce the true meaning of the Bahá’í Faith, the Bahá’í Way of life and the Bahá’í people who are pioneering worldwide and challenging for the oneness of mankind, unification of the world under United Nations' legitimate world goverment and universal language.

The Bahá’í Faith is a relatively new, inter-national religion that came into being in 1844.

Baha'u'llah - "The Glorious Messenger of God and the promised one"1817-1892

All the Prophets of God, his well-favoured, his holy and chosen Messengers are, without exception, the bearers of his names, and the embodiments of his attributes"Bahá'u'lláh

The messages of Baha'u'llah from God for this new world clarified how we could manage our life in peace and unity. It is incumbent upon all of us in this world to reconcile our differences and create a new direction for the everlasting peace. The result would be coming with the illumination of the paths of our lives without egotism and partiality, and establishing unity of mankind with forbearance for the reconcilable future.

In practical way, humanity should recognize world's family principle with love, respect, help and support. Then for world's leaders, have to come together for the creation of the world's government to stop war, hate and prejudice. They should then establish equal opportunities, rights and respect for all the citizens of the world.

Mirza Buzurg Vizier Nuri

He was the father of Baha'u'llah working in the ministerial status in the court of the ministerial king and look after the family with all dedication and care.

Mirza Musa Kalim

He was one of the close brother of Baha'u'llah, very faithful and very happy serving the Baha'i faith all his life.

The door to the shrine of Baha'u'llah in Bahji Israel.

Great Baha'i musicians came together with beautiful music as voice of "Baha" for the tenth anniversary of 1992 ascension of Baha'u'lla'h to the paradise of God. The exciting work took place in Carnegie Hall, New York and thousands honourable Baha'is participated for this happy and loving music to listen and enjoy.

some forty-five Baha'i friends

In September 2002, some forty-five Baha'i friends decided to go to Turkey in the city of Edirna and see the important place where Baha'u'll'ah was temporary living with his family. Later he moved to Akka, Israel.

This is the picture of the house in Edirna Turkey ,where Baha'u'lla'h was living before he moved to Akka. This house was repaired beautifully and became the pilgrimage of all the Baha'is who wish to visit.

For the full knowledge of the principles of the Baha'i faith...

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The Bahá'í principles stand on the oneness of mankind , world government and universal language .It leads the people to change their hearts and minds on prejudice and war so they have the real peace and prosperity in their daily lives and this would show on their services for the world of humanity.

Holy Tablet of Baha'u'llah with his handwriting shows in a beautiful decorative adornments and style.

The following are the holy writings of Baha'u'llah for the peace & unity of mankind:

"He who is your Lord, the All Merciful, cherisheth in His heart the desire of  beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body."

All the Prophets of God, his well-favored, his holy and chosen Messengers are, without exception, the bearers of His name, and the embodiment of His attributes"

"Should the lamp of religion be obscured chaos and confusion will ensure, and the light of fairness, of justice, of tranquillity & peace cease to shine."

"The well being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established."

"The shrine is the appearance of unity among men. The ocean of divine wisdom surgeth within this exalted word, while the books of the world cannot contain its significance."

"The religion of GOD is for love & unity;make it not the cause of enmity and dissension."

"The heaven of divine wisdom is illumined with the two luminaries of consultation and compassion. Take ye counsel together in all matters, in as much as consultation is lamp of guidance which leadeth the way, and is the bestower of understanding."

" Should any King take up arms against another, all should unitedly arise and prevent him. If this be done the nations of the world will no longer require any armaments, except for the purpose of preserving the security of their realms and maintaining internal order within their territories. This will ensure the peace and composure of every people, government and nation."

For more access to other holy messages of Baha'u'lla'h

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An example of Baha'u'llah's dignified noble holy writing.

In 1992, Second Baha'is World Congress was formed in New York and some 30,000 honourable Baha'is from all over the world were together for the centennial of Baha'u'llah's ascension to the paradise of God.

For access to the Baha'u'lla'h's festival of Ridvan...

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Some of Baha'u'lla'h's Followers and Companions During his stay in Akka Israel:

Haji Shah Khalilu'llah-I-Farani

He was a great Baha'i and follower of Baha'u'llah's Movement. He was able to attend the presence of Baha'u'llah in Akka. He remained active and used all his spiritual power to teach the Baha'i Faith.

Mirza Muhammad Aliy-I-Nahri

He was one of the early believers and trusted companion of Baha'u'llah specially when the good news about the marriage of his daughter, Munirih Khanum, to Abdul-Baha.

Mirza Azizu'llah -I- Jadhdhab

He was a Baha'i from the Jewish community who was able to meet Baha'u'llah and later received a message from Baha'u'llah to communicate with Baron Rothschild about the Baha'i Faith.

Mirza Aliy -I- Sayyah

Another trusted follower of Baha'u'llah and remained his companion. He was among the Baha'is exiled to Cyprus.

Mirza Mahmud -I- Kashani

When Baha'u'llah moved from Baghdad to Akka, he was his trusted companion and showed his attention to the health and comfort of Baha'u'llah all the time.

Aqa Riday -I- Qannad of Shiraz

This gentleman was from Shiraz and became another companion of Baha'u'llah specially during his movement from Baghdad to Akka and remained after.

Haji Muhammad Ibrahim -I- Khalil

He lived in Qazvin, Iran and became the follower of Baha'u'llah. He wrote many letter of love and feloowship to Baha'u'llah. In return Baha'u'llah sent him the "Lawh-i-Khalil".

Husayn -I- Ashchi

This young follower became also the cook for Baha'u'llah and lived with him happily. He showed his sincerity and love.

Haji Akhund (left) and Haji Amin (right)

Both were present in Qazvin; they were forced to deny the Baha'i Faith but they stood firm for Baha'u'llah's messasge and their Baha'i religion.

Haji Iman

He was one of the respected followers of Baha'u'llah. He was so delighted when he had that opportunity to see Baha'u' llah in Adrianople. Later in his life, he suffered persecution because of his faith but he never denied the Baha'u'llah.

Mirza Abdu'r - Rahim

He was a great Baha'i and follower of Baha'u'llah. He remained in Akka and became one of the trusted Baha'i companions of Baha'u'llah.

Abdu'l - Ghaffar

He was one of the honourable and most devoted servant of Baha'u'llah. He became very unhappy and lonely when he was not allowed to remain with Baha'u'llah's movement. His companionship to Baha'u'llah was always without any reproach.

Haji Muhammad Isma'il -I- Kashani

He was one of the outstanding teachers of the Baha'i faith, also Baha'u'llah's devoted companion. Baha'u'llah wrote for him the Suriy -I- Ra'is.

Bab -Primal Point

(The Herald of Baha'u'llah)


Bab said about his spiritual messages from God:

"I am the Morning Star of God, I have the message from God for the people of the earth - that God's sunshine (Baha'u'llah) will illuminate the heart of everyone with unity".He was martyred in the Persian city of Tabriz in 1850 when he was only thirty-one years old. His pure body in the casket was transferred from one house to another house in Persia. Finally, the casket was taken to the holy land and arrived in Haifa in January 1898. Later, in Haifa the foundation to construct the shrine of Bab was completed in 1953. This became the pilgrimage of all the Bahai's worldwide.

Shrine of Primal Point (The Bab) in Mt. Carmel, Israel.

The handsome ornament gate at the entrance of the shrine of Primal Point "The Bab".

Here are some holy writings of Primal Point "The Bab"

Afnan Kabir Haji Mirza Siyyid Hasan

He is the honourable brother of Khadijih Bagum, Lady Khadijih is the honourable wife of the Bab. He was educated and distinguished Baha'i gentleman. He helped his sister after her husband, the Bab, went to prison and martyred in 1850. At the same time he was living close to Baha'u'llah and his son married with one of the daughters of Baha'u'llah. He always looked after his sister and remained a true Baha'i and spent his life for the teaching of the Baha'i faith. God bless his soul and his sister.

This is the upper floor of the house The Primal Point "The Bab" which has remained historical because in this room on the 23rd of May 1844, he announced of himself as the messenger of God for the coming of Baha'u'lla'h. His house was in the city of Shiraz, Iran.

Please click here Some more Holy Writing of Primal point "The Bab"

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The Centre of Covenant & The Interpreter of the Baha'i Faith - Holy Son of Baha'u'llah

Abdul Baha

He became engaged in the teaching, directing and interpreting of Baha'u'llah's messages to the worldwide. He was attended and received warmly in many churches, universities, temples and religious centres and private gatherings. He had spoken for the meaning of the Baha'i faith to all aspects of human life. His ministries continued for some twenty-nine years. He was able to see many Baha'is who were coming from Persia and other parts of the world. He sent many tablets to many people in reply to their letters. He was able to travel to the Western countries particularly in Europe and America and the glorious message of Baha'u'llah rapidly spread to the western countries as a result of his visit. He was knighted in 1920 by the British government for his outstanding services that he provided for the Palestinian people during the war between the British and the Ottoman government.

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In this picture you see Abdul Baha in his youth. After Baha'u'lla'h's passing to the paradise of God, initially, he was still in prison in Akka until he was released in 1911. He started happily for the great tour to Europe and U.S.A and visited many cities to meet many honourable Baha'is and other honourable people. He enjoyed telling them about the Baha'i faith and the messages of Baha'u'll'ah for the Unity of Mankind and the World One Family. His movement became the foundation of many Baha'i establishments around the world.

Abdul-Baha in this picture with his young brother in their youth, his brother's name was Ghusn Athar.

Ghusn Athar had a tragic accident. One day he was happily standing on the top roof of their home. He started chanting one of the beautiful poems of Baba'u'llah, Gasidiyy-i-Varqaiyyih, suddenly he fell to the lower floor of the house. He was fatally wounded and did not survived. The pure soul of this young man flown to the paradise of God. God bless his soul.

Abdul-Baha during his tour to USA in 1912, enjoyed seeing the honourable Baha'is telling them about the Baha'i faith. In this picture he is happily with the Baha'is in Lincoln Park, Chicago.

Here are some holy writings of Abdu'l-Baha:

"There is nothing so heart breaking and terrible as an outburst of human savagery... Each one of you concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity, and when a thought of war comes, oppose it by stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a powerful thought of love."

"If a man would succeed in his search after truth, he must in the first place, shut this eyes to all the traditional superstitions of the past. It is clear that in order to make any progress in the search of truth, we must relinquish superstitions. If all seekers would follow this principle, they obtain a clear vision of the truth."

"The all one loving God bestows his divine grace and favour on all mankind: one and all are servants of the Most High, and His goodness, mercy and loving-kindness are showered upon all his creatures. The glory of humanity is the heritage of each one."

"Religion should unite all hearts and cause wars and disputes to vanish from the face of the earth, give spiritually and bring life and light to each heart . If religion became a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it."

"Every human being has the right to live. They have a right to rest and to certain amount of well being, as a rich man able to live in his palace surrounded by luxury and greatest comfort, so should a poor man able to have the necessities of life... One man should not live in excess while others have no possible means of existence."

"The law must reign, and not the individual, thus the world will become a place of beauty and true brotherhood will be realized. Having attained solidarity, men will have found truth."

"The super tribunal shall be elected by the peoples and governments of every nation, where the members from each country and government shall assemble in unity. All disputes shall be brought before the court, its mission being to prevent war."

"Religion is concerned with things of the spirit, politics with things of the world. Religion has to work with the world of thought, while the field of politics lies with world of external conditions."

"Women have equal rights with men upon earth. In religion and society they are a very important element. As long as women are prevented from attaining their highest possibilities so all men are unable to achieve the greatness which might be theirs."

"It is only be the breath of the Holy Spirit that spiritual development can come about. No matter how the material world may progress, no matter how splendidly it may adorn itself, it can never be anything but a lifeless body unless the soul is within, for it is the soul that animates the body."

Abdul-Baha in Paris France in 1912, visited Eiffel Tower with his Baha'i friends from Persia and also some European Baha'is.

Abdul-Baha travel teachings to Western countries in 1911 to 1913 continued. He was able to see several cities in Europe, U.S.A. and Canada. In this picture, he was shown happily with his Baha'i friends in Woking England in 1913.

In 1998. over 2,000 Baha'is from all over the world gathered in Eiffel Tower, France for the anniversary of the Abdul-Baha's visit in 1912 and for the establishing of the Baha'i Faith in France and all over the world.

28th November 1921, a sad and doleful day for all Baha'i communities, the messenger angel flew the pure soul of Abdul-Baha to the glorious and shinning paradise of God's kingdom. In this shocking event, among the attendees were the beloved friends, great numbers of religious diversities and other religious personalities, also the High Commissioner of Palestine and the government of Jerusalem were present, also the government of Phoenicia and the Chief of Government officials and many other people in all walks of life attended.

For more access to the Holy Writings of

Abdu'l Baha Please click here

Shoghi Effendi

1897- 1957

in his childhood
in his adulthood

Shoghi Effendi had been appointed the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith by Abdul-Baha. He was his grandson. He was western educated personality with exceptional aims and ambitions - to bring the teachings of Baha'u'llah to the attention of the people from all walks of life. In addition, he translated effectively the writings of Bab, Baha'u'llah and Abdul-Baha and other Baha'i books - mainly in Persian language. He had written glorious pages about the true meaning of the Baha'i faith, also he made an over-all evaluation of the Baha'i diversity in his book, 'God Passed By', written in 1944.

In his letters to the Western Baha'is, he included also his commentary about the world's order of Baha'u'llah,'The Advent of Divine Justice',

He unexpectedly passed away in 1957 when he was only sixty years old.

Monument at the gravesite of Shoghi Effendi, London, United Kingdom.

Here are some holy writings of Shoghi Effendi:

"Humanity whether viewed in the light of the man's individual conduct or in the existing relationships between organized communities and nations; has, alas, strayed too far and suffered too great a declined to be redeemed through the unaided efforts of the best among its recognized rulers and statement, howeverdisinterested their motives, concerted their action, however unsparing in their zeal and devotion to its cause."

"God's purpose is none other else than to usher in, in ways He alone can bring about, and the full significance which He alone can fathom, the great, the golden age of a long divided, along afflicted humanity. Its present state, indeed even its immediate future, is dark, distressingly dark. Its distance future, however,-is radiant, gloriously radiant so radiant that no eye can visualize it."

"The new world order whose promise is enshrined in the revelation of Baha'u'lla'h; whose fundamental principles involve no less than the complete unification of the entire human race. This unification should conformed to such principles as would directly harmonize with the spirit that animates, and that laws that govern the operation of the institutions that constitute the structural basis of the administrative order of the faith."

"The flames which His divine justice have kindled cleanse an unregenerated humanity, and fuse its discordant, its warring elements as no other agency can cleanse or fuse them. It is not only a retributory and destructive fire, but a disciplinary and creative process, whose aim is the salvation, through unification of the entire planet."

"Aworld-language will either be invented of chosen from among the existing languages and will be taught in the school of all federated nations as an auxiliary to their mother's tongue. A world-script, a world literature, a uniform and universal system of currency, of weight and measures, will simplify and facilitate understanding among the nations and races of mankind."

"The unity of the human race in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are close and permanently united, and in which the autonomy of each state members and the personal freedom and initiative of the individual that composed them are definitely and completely safeguarded."

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Shoghi Effendi became the guardian of the Baha'i Faith when he was 24 years old and successfully he continued serving his spiritual work until 1957, when he passed away to the paradise of God.

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Shoghi Effendi standing next to his granddad, Abdul-Baha. He was twenty-two years old.

Shoghi Effendi after becaming the guardian of the Baha'i faith in 1921, started to travel to Europe to see the Baha'i firends. This above picture shows Shoghi Effendi sitting with some English Baha'i friends in the Manchester City United Kingdom and enjoyed the communication with them.

Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum


Born in 1910 in NewYork city. Her previous name was Mary Sutherland Maxwell.

She was great, gorgeous lady and the wife of Shoghi Effendi. She became active in teaching the Baha'i faith worldwide. With her high education and skill in speech and in writing, she also wrote many books in different subjects especially, on how badly racism and prejudice divided the society. As a Baha'i Hand of Cause she communicated with all the Baha'i organizations and attended many conferences and seminars. After the unexpected ascension of Shoghi Effendi in 1957, she headed forward the Baha'i faith to help in organizing the election of the honourable members of the Baha'i House of Justice in 1963. Her faith and spiritual skill to communicate with many people from all walks of life; she created so much changes in the hearts and minds of the people to stay away from racism, and prejudice and consider the unity of mankind. She ascended peacefully in 2000 to the paradise of God. God bless her soul.

Honourable Baha'i Hand of Cuase & wife of Shoghi Effendi.She spent her life for the teachings of Baha'u'lla'h's messages for the unity of mankind and world without war, hate & prejudice. >>>



Introducing here are the Names of some outstanding Baha'i teachers who travelled to different countries which did not have any Baha'i member. They settled down there and initiated communications with the local people. They told these local people about the true meaning of the Baha'i faith emphasizing World One Family and also the Equal Opportunity Rights and Respect.

In 1953, the Honourable Guardian of the Baha'i Faith Shoghi Effendi happily and joyfully gave them the important title: "Knights of Baha'ulla".

The following are introductions of some Baha'i teachers.

He is a great Baha'i teacher who decided to teach the Baha'i faith in Malta. After settling down there, he communicated happily with many local people telling them about the Baha'i faith and spreading the word about the Unity of Mankind aiming to eliminate hate, war and prejudice from their minds and hearts hoping for the world to become One Government with Equal Opportunity Rights and Respect that would remain into the hearts of the people. He enjoyed receiving the title: "Knight of Baha'u'llah".

He was a distinguish great Baha'i teacher. He travelled to different countries and taught about the Baha'i faith aiming to change the world towards Love and Peace and eradicating war and hate. In 1953, he was able to introduce many new Baha'is from the different countries. He also enjoyed receiving the title: "Knight of Baha'u'llah" from the Honourable Guardian of the Faith Shoghi Effendi.

Honourable Brigitte prepared herself to teach the true meaning of the Baha'i faith to many people in Shetland, Ireland. In October 1953, she happily reported that she had positive Baha'i communication. She too received the title: "Knight of Baha'u'llah" from the Guardian of the Faith Shoghi Effendi.

Ursula Samandari

She was an honourable Baha'i teacher in all her adult life. She was greatly engaged in the development of the Baha'i faith in Ireland. Back in 1953, she travelled to Somalia and remained there with her husband, Mihdi Samandari. She together with her husband happily received the title: "Knight of Baha'u'llah". God Bless their souls!

Roushan Knox

Honourable Roushan decided to travel to Portugal in 1953 and remained there to teach the Baha'i faith to the local people. Her lovely communication, politeness and respect to the public made her very joyful and many people accepted the Baha'i faith. She enjoyed the work more because she too received the title: "Knight of Baha'u'llah" from Shoghi Effendi. She lived there for a long time to continue teaching the local about the principles of the Baha'i faith particularly the Unity of Mankind and the World One Family.

This young and handsome Baha'i teacher travelled to Mongollia and intiated all his communications to the local people with Baha'i love and respect. Not very long, he reveived excellent result for his work and he found himself with many friends were some of them became Baha'is. He felt joy that he received the title:Knight of Baha'u'llah" in 1980.

Paul Adams

Another great Baha'i who became pioneer in 1958. He decided to travel to Spitsbergen within the Arctic Circle and happily lived there for many years. He communicated with the local people and became good friends. He was the first Baha'i who took the Baha'i faith to this island and received the title " Knight of Baha'u'llah".

BahÁ'Íyyih KhÁnum titled VarÁqÍy-i-U'lya (1850-1938)

Honourable great lady, daughter of Baha'u'llah and sister of Abdul-Baha; became active and knowledgeable on the teaching of the Baha'i faith. She actively helped her father and brother on the ministry. She visited many countries and communicated with the people from all walks of life about the meaning and truth of the Baha'i faith.

For more information about the details of early other important personalities of the Baha'i faith

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Universal house of justice

During the Abdul-Baha's ministry, the system of having a Baha'i House of Justice from the messages of Baha'u'lla'h came to his mind, and as an interpreter of Baha'u'lla'h's teaching, he established the way this system should start and work. He cleared the question of authority for this new establishment.

The authority would be legalized by electing nine Baha'is from the members of all the Baha'i National Assemblies of the world. Abdul-Baha also emphasized their job would be to consult on all issues for the peace and unity of the world in the light of Baha'u'lla'h's messages and his teachings.

The first members of the Universal Baha'i House of Justice was introduced in London Royal Albert Hall in April 1963. Thousands of the Baha'is came to this congress from all over the world to hear and see the nine elected members of the first Universal Baha'i House of Justice. From the appearance of the people, you would notice their spiritual background such as Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Zoroastrian, Buddhist and Jews sitting together in Albert Hall, delighted with mutual understanding, full of emotion and unity.

In 2002, The Baha'i House of Justice sent important letters to the honourable leaders of the world's religions and called them to demonstrate their commitment strongly for the Unity of Mankind and World One Family. In this picture the Sectretary of the National Spiritual Baha'i Assembly of the United Kingdom Dr. Barney Leith was giving the letter to professor Jonathan Sacks the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew.

On the 21st March 2003, some respected political parties, friends to the Baha'i people had been invited for a reception with dinner and communication with each other about the solutions concerning the problems of the Baha'i faith in Iran from their hearts and minds. In the above picture , a dear friend, Mr. Limbit Opik MP, the Chairman of all parties communications, with Dr. Barnie Leith Secretary of the Baha'i National Spiritual Assembly of United Kingdom are having pleasure and happy time.

Local Barnet Baha'i Spiritual Assembly, in August 2003, decided to send the copy of the honourable Baha'i House of Justice for the Unity of Mankind to the leaders of all religions. In this picture an honourable Baha'i lady happily is giving the letter to Reverend Jim Lithicum.

On 17th September 2003, twenty three honourable members of the National Baha'i Spiritual Assembly attended in the fourths seminars on diplomatic work for the defence of the Baha'i faith. This seminar happened in Acuto, Italy. The seminar lasted until 19th September 2003.

For more information about the Universal Baha'i House of Justice ...

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Baha'i Hands of the Cause

They are the outstanding Baha'is who are recognized for their spiritual glory and their distinct capacity and experiences. Baha'u'lla'h,Abdul-Baha and Shoghi Effendi appointed them to serve in the special and important role for the inspiration of the public to know more about the Baha'i faith and also for advising the Baha'i communities; the way the direction be heading for the successful movement of their teachings. Also, to improving the communication as Baha'i and be able to teach the public all the aims and ambitions of the Baha'i way of life.

In total of 47 Members have been appointed. After 1963, when the first new members of the Baha'i House of Justice had been introduced, there was no more new hands of cause and all those remaining great baha'i masters provided outstanding services for the introductions of the baha'i faith and helping all the baha'i people world-wide by attending in communications and conferences until they flown to the paradise of god. god bless their soul always.

This picture of the Honourable Baha'i Hands of Cause was taken in1963 when they all attended the Baha'i Conference in Royal Albert Hall, London to hear & see the first elected members of the Baha'i House of Justice.


Dr. Varqa was the last honourable Hand of Cause, he went to the paradise of God in 2007. God bless his soul and the souls of all Hands of Cause.


In September 1976, honourable Hands of Cause: Dr. Varqa, Dr. Khadem And Dr. Giachery are presented for the visit of His Highness Malietoa Tanumfili to the resting place of Shoghi Effendi in London. After visit he invited them to his hotel and thanked them for the visit.

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Martha Root - the Honourable Hand of Cause of God

In September 1919, Hand of Cause of God, Martha Ruth extended her Baha'i teaching effort in Latin Americas such as Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Panama and Cuba. Later she travelled to Hawaii for the Baha'i teaching and remained there for the rest of her life. Then in 1939, she ascended to the paradise of God . May Go always bless her soul.



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Sitarih Khanum

Sitarih Khanum (Lady Blomfield) Honourable British lady happily became Baha'i in 1907 and started actively to teach the Baha'i faith. A very good news came for her as in 1911 and 1913, Abdul-Baha travelled to UK and met her several times as she wished to get more information of all the aspects of Unity of Mankind from him. Abdul-Baha explained all the important matters in Baha'i faith and who are the truly Baha'is and she made all that information in a book entitled "The Paris Talk" and made it available for people to read. Sitarih Khanum not only became a teacher of the Baha'i faith also she gave her home to become the Baha'i Centre in UK (27 Rutland Gate, London). God Bless her soul.

Honourable Lady from Cardiff had spent years in her life to teach the Baha'i faith to the people of the world. She travelled specially in Madagascar, South Africa, Spain, Canary Island, United Kingdom, USA. and Honduras. The Honourable House of Justice Members wrote about her as follow: " Her steadfast and devoted services for more than forty years are recalled with warm appreciation."

Ruth Pringle

Honourable Ruth Pringle, an outstanding Baha'i teacher, after she became Baha'i in 1953, decided to travel to Puerto Rico to teach the Baha'i faith. In 1956, she travelled to Honolulu and Guatemala and continued her teaching about the Baha'i faith. Then finally, she went back to Honolulu to continue her teaching about the Baha'i faith. She remained in Honolulu until her last days. In 1963, she was appointed as Auxiliary Board Member and the Universal Baha'i House of Justice honoured her with this writing, " May her devoted and energetic life inspire present and future generations to emulate her brilliant example."

Vida Backwell

An honourable English Lady, for the first time she heard about the Bahai faith in Norway. She was then blessed by the Hands of Cause in the name of Dorothy Baker. Dorothy Baker told her more about the Bahai faith and encouraged her to talk about this new revelation of God to all people. Vida then returned to UK with happiness as she has been married. Together with the husband, they started pioneering to British, Guyana; then late, in 1963 to Northern Ireland. Also more teaching she did in Green Island and finally, returned to Northern Ireland. She did years of pioneering for the teaching of the Bahai faith about love and unity to introduce this new religion. God bless her soul.

Betty Reed

Betty became Bahai in 1940, she initiated to communicate with the people about the Bahai faith. In 1953, she became a member of the National Spiritual Bahai Assembly in UK. She served as secretary from 1961 to 1970. She became very happy to meet Shoghi Effendi in 1970. She also was elected by the Members of the Bahai House of Justice to join the Continental Board of Chancellor for Europe. She also wrote a book for children and remained for a long time in Northern Ireland. She peacefully died in 1987. There was a letter from the Bahai House of Justice about her, that is quote, " Impelled by her deep appreciation of the exigencies of the Divine Plan. She worked with relentless vigor for successful accomplishment."

Ataollah Majidi

Another honourable senior Baha'i with many years of Baha'i teaching in Europe. Later in 1988. he and his honourable wife Mahrokh stared their new happy work as custodian of the Mansion of Bahji and years they spent their time to look after the mansion. Also, he spent his time to work in the international centre for the study of texts in Haifa under the indexing of Baha'u'llah's unpublished writings. The honourable member Baha'i of Justice wrote about him; "The many years of devoted service he and his wife rendered to the Cause of God in the Holy Land are recalled with warm gratitude."

On the 17th May 2007 the representatives of all religions communicated with Her Majesty the Queen in Buckingham palace. They thanked her for her support to the multi-faith society and presented her a gold medallion.

In the picture above three members of the National Spiritual Bahai Assembly of the United Kingdom were standing happily in front of her and explained to her all the questions her majesty raised.

Prince Charles is here with the National Inter-Faith Gathering. Two honourable Baha'is participated with other religious people to meet Prince Charles for the National Inter-Faith Conference. Prince Charles happily asked few questions from them such as: how to communicate with other people of other religions and how they could find satisfaction with other people. The honourable Baha'i members happily mentioned that Baha'i faith accept all the people as their family, live with them in peace and try to help them as much as possible and never accept war, hate and prejudice to be practiced.

Poland former president,Lech Walesa visited the Baha'i House of Worship in New Delhi, India and learned more about the true meaning of the Baha'i faith for the peace and love of all people of each other and to stop war, hate and prejudice.

Prince Philip in this picture admired Ruhiyyih Khanum for her support of Arts for nature

In May 15, 2001, some hundred fifty honourable diplomats and distinguished guests, including Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, came to pay tribute to the life of Amatul Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum, the wife of Shoghi Effendi who passed away in 2000. The gathering was arranged by the grace of the Duchess of Abercorn. Prince Philip enjoyed the evening and admired Amatul Baha for raising awareness of the environment and her contribution for the religion and conservation.

His Royal Highness Prince Andrew visited the centre of the Baha'i Faith in UK in July 11, 2002 in connection of the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. In this Picture you see the Duke happily talking with Dr. Barney Leith the Secretary of the National Spiritual Baha'i Assembly of the United Kingdom.

UK Politcian Parties send messages to all members of the religious group to get together to receive all support from the parliament. In this picture on 22 April 2008, Dr. Barney Leith - Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly of Baha'is is shaking hand with the member of parliament - Simon Hughes MP Liberal Democrat with joy and respect.

James McGilligan

Honourable Baha'i from Northern Ireland was happily knighted with OBE for the social services he provided. In one of his services; he taught the Indian people living in the rural areas in Indure the largest city in Pradesh, India. He taught these local people about an alternative energy. His honourable wife Janak also helped these people for the same reason and she received the certificate award from the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

Cherie Blair

Great distinguish barrister and honourable wife of a very important person, a Former Prime Minist of UK, Sir Tony Blair. In 13th January 2008, she visited the Baha'i house of worship in New Delhi and happily communicated with her Baha'i friends saying it is very important for the Baha'i faith to grow and promote the word for the True peace and Unity. She also showed her attention for the unhappiness of the Iranian Baha'is and considered her help in communication about the subject with the Baha'i leaders and Iranian government.

Baha'i International Community

In 2010, the honourable Baha'is from all the different countries gathered in London to communicate with each other as they decide to start for their new assignment to the chosen counties to teach the Baha'i faith and to find more friends for life. They aim to associate with them with love, peace and understanding.

Honourable Irish Baha'is in 2009, got together and communicated about the Baha'i Movement worldwide to receive more Unity of Mankind and all messages from Bahau'llah to change the world. In this picture after the conference, they formed a choir and happily sang together to finish the conference.

formation of interfaith forum

Brigid McEvoy

Signed the Interfaith forum on behalf of the Bahai Faith

In Iceland, cooperation of thirteen faith groups decided to form an interfaith dialogue and partnership. Therefore, in 24th November 2006, all representatives of the faiths gathered in Reykjavik City Hall and signed the forum. Honourable Bahai Brigid McEvoy signed the forum on behalf of the Bahai faith. The forum made the members as family and friends with all the respect and help to each other.

World's faith in happy Community

In 2003,nine members of the world's religions came together in Cardiff, UK for the common friendly communication with each other. The Bahai representative communicated to these members that there would no peace in the world without the expression of love and respect for all religions. At the end of the happy meeting, all the members signed on behalf of their religion they represent.

Great Baha'i Poet Nai'm with all his education and his beautiful poems, highly gifted, went in to the hearts of many people. Additionally, he became very effective in his teaching about the Baha'i Faith. His movement made the goverment where he was living unhappy and as a result received torture and prison sentence for his strong belief as a Baha'i ,but he never reduce his love and devotion for all the services he could provide to introduce the Baha'i Faith. God bless his soul.

Nabil-I-Azam a great Baha'i History writer and eminent Baha'i Scholar. He wrote down all the history of the Baha'i revelations from 1844 until 1982 which is the ascencion of Baha'u'llah to the paradise of God happened. After the ascencion of Baha'u'llah, he was not able to recover from emotional shock. However, he gave away his life for the introduction and teaching of the Baha'i faith. God bless his soul.

Manikchi Sahib was from Zoroastrian community and happily became a baha'i with all his love and admiration from Baha'u'llah's messages from God. He became deeply engaged to guide the Zoroastrian people to investigate the truth of this new revevelation and many of his community accepted the Baha'i faith. He spent all his life to bring the Unity of Mankind, World One family and Love in his teaching of the Baha'i faith. God bless his soul.

Representatives of some religions together to pray.

The representatives of Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh as well as Salvation Army and Church of Scotland gathered together in Scotland Baha'i centre to pray for the honourable Baha'is who were held in prison in Iran. Many thanks for their prayers.

Seven Baha'is with their families and friends.

The Seven Baha'is which went to prison were standing in this picture with their families and friends.


His several books: Complete History of the Baha'i Faith and is easy to understand specially the new way of the Baha'i faith for the permanent peace and unity by having world government and universal language also living with each other in the world as one family.

Adib came to Ireland from Iran and lived there with all happiness and carried on his writing and teaching the Baha'i faith. More happy news for him came as he became an honourable member of the Baha'i House of Justice. He moved to Haifa and two term remained on that job. He passed away peacefully in 2000 and his soul flown to meet the soul of Baha'u'llah. Great Baha'i and great writer. God Bless his soul.

More information available about him;

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David lewis

First Welshman to become Baha'i


He was born in Cardiff Wales and his education was successful and he became a full architect in 1950.

He heard from his friend, a locum doctor in 1956 about the Baha'i faith and after he investigated further, he became a happy Baha'i. He started communicating with the people about his finding and he continued his services in this way until 1965. In that year he had been elected as an Auxiliary Board Member helping the counsellors and the honourable hands of Cause. He continued on this service for twenty-one years for the protection and propagation of the Baha'i Faith. A good news for him when Shoghi Effendi wrote him a letter in his own hand writing thanking him for his sincere and active work he provided for the Baha'i faith.

He died peacefully in 2009. God Bless his soul.

Mr. Lewis with all Welsh Baha'is

Mr. Lewis along side with all Welsh Baha'is attended in Albert Hall for a general meeting of the World Baha'is in 1963 to receive the names of the first nine members of the Baha'i House of Justice .

First English man to become Baha'i

Thomas Breakwell 1872 - 1902

First Englishman to become Baha'i in 1901 during his vacation time in Paris. He heard about the Baha'i faith and received all information and support from the Baha'i people in France. He happily accepted the Baha'i faith and travelled for the pilgrimage to Akka, Israel in the same year and in return he decided to remain in France permanently. However, tragically passed away in 1902 when he was only thirty years old. Abdu'l Baha sent him a tablet which read as:

"O Breakwell, O my dear one! Thou art become a star in the super mal sky, and a lamp amid the angels of high Heaven; a living spirit in the most exalt Kingdom, throned in eternity. O Breakwell, O my dear one! At all times do I call thee to mind!


Hakim Masih - the first honourable Jewish gentleman to becom Baha'i.

He was an educated Jew. During the Baha'u'llah's time, he heard about the Baha'i faith, and because he was a doctor he had been guided to go to a prison for a young man who needed treatment. He went to the prison and saw Baha'u'llah and his son Abdul-Baha as the prisoners. He happily treated Abdul- Baha . later he became a regular visitor to learn about the Bahai faith. He became happy with his fiding and became the first Baha'i from the jwish family,god bless his soul.

Kei Khusraw i Khudadad

Kei Khusraw i Khudadad - the first Zoroastrian who became Baha'i

He was a respected gentleman from the Zoroastrian community who became interested in finding the spiritual truth of the Baha'i faith. His findings resulted to his conversion to the Baha'i faith. He was the first Baha'i from the Zoroastrian community. He devoted his life for the service of the new faith and later he became the secretary of the council and Baha'u'llah sent him a tablet for his outstanding teachings. God Bless his soul.

In 2001, the University of Darby Campus decided to build a Multi-Faith Centre in the University and it was a very joyful for the Baha'is and decided to help them financially with a check of £1,000.00.

In Sept. 1999, three members of the Baha'i faith in the Island of White had a happy meeting with Chairman and members of the Craven District Council and gave them brief information about the History and the Principles of the Baha'i Faith, specially for the Unity of Mankind and Equality between Man and Woman to have all opportunities right and respect. This happy meeting was finalized with Baha'i prayer.

In Feb. 2001, the Honourable Mayor of Greenwich, England was happily standing with the group of the Baha'is holding their banner that says "ONE WORLD ONE PEOPLE". The Mayor admired them for their campaign to change the world.

The president of Costa Rica Dr. Miguel Rodriguez was happily standing with the honourable Members of the Baha'i Community at the open function hall to discuss agenda to look after children and adolescence.

In march 2021, the National Convention of the Baha'i faith was happily organized in Vietnam. The vice chairman of the people's committee in the Ho Chi Minh city congratulated the Baha'i people.

In 1996, the leaders and members of many religions visited each other in a summit in london for the finding a good way, peace, friendship and helping each other to reduce poverty and eliminate war.

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We are delighted to report to our Bahá'í friends that honourable people from different religions made a warmth reception to our president in his missionary tour to the Far East and showed their affections and understanding about the Bahá'í Faith. The communication had gone very smoothly. Several questions came into their minds about the Bahá'í Faith which they received adequate explanations and we left with them several copies of our book to be distributed among their families and friends.

We are delighted to report another opportunity for our Bahá’i movement when we were able to have a happy visit to the North African States and communicated with the people in a decent assembly about the glorious messages of Bahá'u'lláh, for the unity of mankind and establishing a legitimate world government. Many questions from the honourable and interested people had been replied in a friendly and emotional environment and we gifted them with our Bahá'í book, “The Herald of the Truth”. In the above picture, members of the International Bahá’í Movement, are standing in the hall of this happy assembly.

One of the important principles of the Bahá'í Faith is educating our children to love and respect all the people. Work and live with them in peace with full decency and integrity. Accept them as their own family, adopt themselves to serve all of the humanity in supportive and productive direction. This above picture, The honourable parents and children are meeting with each other and exchanging their warmth Bahá'í communications and are hoping to receive the blessings from Bahá'u'lláh for the successful education of their children.

Bah'i summer school in Larne House, Holywood

In 2003, a group of honourable Baha'is in Northern Ireland participating with their children to go to summer school in Larne House, Holywood. The children happily started their summer school and their parents enjoyed communicating with other parents. The summer school was finished successfully .

The Bahá'í Centre in Haifa

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what are the aims & goals of the Baha'i people?

One Country, One Family, one Citizenship, One Language, One Government & One GOD for the whole World

Indian Baha'i students are waiting in Dang Baha'i Centre for the training course on development and moral education of Baha'i Way of life.

Live Videos

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video1 : Message from the President to all the people of the world.

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video2 Oneness of Mankind

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 3 - Religion Must Cause Unity & Affection

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 4-Universal Language

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 5-Equality Between all Mankind

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 6-Religion Must be in Harmony w/ Sound Mind, Technology & Science

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 7-Equality between Men & Women

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 8 World Government

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 9 - Elimination of all Prejudices

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 10- The Spiritual Foundation of all Religions is The Same

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 11- Elimination of Superstitions

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 12- High Quality Education

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Live video 13 - Baha'i Hymn

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live video 14-Message to all Baha'i Friends Worldwide in English

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

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Live new video 15-Message to all Baha'i Friends in Farsi (Persian)


You are very welcome to our Website and we hope you will find all the matters you are searching happily and clearly through our website. Our website consists of many pages about the Bahá'í faith and the Bahá'í Way of life. To find the different sections of our website, you will see in every page of our website the "MENU" at the beginning of every page and also at the bottom of every page, which makes you easily be familiar to have the sections of your interest to read. Just click the subject of your choice. In the lists of MENU you will find the following important subjects about the Bahá'í Faith.

Also, you could choose your favourite subject on the principles of the Baha'i Faith by clicking the key to any of our listed live videos provided above.

Many pages about the way Bahá'í Faith has been put forward to introduce its faith for the unity of the mankind, creating legitimate world government and universal language.

Many pages about the complete Principles of the Bahá'í Faith.

Also the history of the Bahá'í Faith includes the introduction of many outstanding Bahá'ís with their determination and courage to speak with the public for this new faith several other pages--- About our Bahá'í book, "THE HERALD OF THE TRUTH", which are available about the related matters in the speech. You could ask for our free book by E-mail or letter and we would be happy to send you a copy without delay. We hope you are happy with your search by visiting our website, and if you need further explanation please contact us through our

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In the following section you would be familiar with the BahÁ'Í way of life:

The Bahai Faith stands firmly on the oneness of mankind to unite the people and to live with each other in genuine peace and affection. Any dispersion would result in the formation of clashes, divisions thus creating misery, anxiety and disturbance and preventing unity. "World order can be founded only on the unshakeable consciousness of the oneness of mankind, a spiritual truth which all the human sciences confirm."

The power of human accomplishments must keep the peace, cooperation and unity among all the nations; not by war, hate and prejudice. Government of different countries under the influence of the present political system with division among themselves are not able to establish equal opportunity for every citizen's rights, respect and work. "The divine religions must be the cause of oneness among men, and the means of unity and love; they must promulgate universal peace, free man from every prejudice, bestow joy and gladness, exercise kindness to all mankind..."

More information about Unity and Affection, please go to the video.

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We, the Baha'is genuinely believe that this world is one country and the entire population are its citizens. We respect them; their religion, culture, and their races, together with all integrity and affection. We live with them in peace and cooperation as one family. "The unity of humanity are the goal of the Baha'is revelation, the well-being of mankind is peace and security are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly establish."

The teachings of all the messengers of God: love each other, live with each other in peace and treat each other with decency will not be fully performed on repeated speeches and announcements; these will rail on the strong belief leading to practical accomplishments."Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbour, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. Be a treasure to the poor and admonisher to the rich, an answerer to the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge."

One country, one family, one citizenship, one language, one government and one God for the whole world. "An equal standard of human rights must be recognized and adopted. In the estimation of God all men are equal; there is no distinction or preferment for any soul in the dominion of his justice and equity." More information about Equality between all Mankind go to the video.

War, hate and prejudice are not the solution to keep the peace and unity of the world. The present political system is not able to serve all the people. Only human accomplishments do have the natural power to create peace, love and unity among all the nations. "Religion is the greatest of all means for the establishment of order in the world and the peaceful contentment of all that dwell therein."

More information about Elimination of all Prejudice please go to the video.

We must make every effort to change the hearts and minds of many people trapped in the dark tunnel of hate and prejudice and direct them to the glorious path of unity, love and cooperation. "Every system, short of unification of the human race, has been tried, repeatedly tried and been found wanting..."

Religion must agree with scientific facts and evidences so that our struggle to survive moves in peaceful and progressive direction. "The knowledge and the technological discovery and understanding should be used for the benefit of the people so may war cease of this beautiful earth."More information about Religion must be in Harmony with Science & Technology please go to the video.

The present political system use strong language against their oppositions in order to stay in power. The oppositions also do the same to discredit the government, as a result they add division & confusion among their fellow men and many innocent citizens do not receive fairness in their search for the joy of life and prosperity. "An equal standard of human rights must be recognized and adopted."

How can any reasonable person remain without action seeing these millions of innocent human beings who are living below poverty line or the misery of war after that made them refugees - without food or shelter? Join us to challenge the cause, so the world would not have the evils of war, hate & prejudice. "Divine kingdom could be established, and the world will be renewed; a new spirit will be breathed into the body of creation; the season the the divine spring will come; the clouds of mercy will rain; the sun of reality will shine; the life-giving breeze will blow; the world of humanity will wear a new garment; the surface of the earth will be sublime paradise; mankind will be educated; wars, disputes, quarrels and malignity will disappear, and truthfulness, righteousness, peace and worship of God will appear..."

All citizens, men & women are children of God with equal rights and respect. Government under man-made political system will not be able to establish an equal opportunity for them. Only a legitimate world government can represent the people of the earth and could provide the kind of peaceful life and prosperity that have been dreamt of."The time must come the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, and all-embracing assemblage of men will be universally realized."More information about World Government please go to the video.

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Misunderstanding among the people who do not speak the same language may create friction and lead to negative outcomes especially in religion and spiritual communication. They would in this way be acquiring only two languages one their own native tongue, the other the language in which all the people of the world would converse."More information about Universal Language please go to the video.

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The vital solution for the world order will be our strong belief in the oneness of mankind from our hearts and to adapt ourselves to life and work without prejudice of any kind."You are all the fruits of one tree and the leaves of on branch."

Without high quality education in today's world, people experience apprehension, problems and barriers of misunderstanding. "It is education that produces wonderful industries; it is education that spreads great sciences and arts; it is education that makes manifest new discoveries and institutions."

More information about High Quality Education, please go to the video.

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The world of humanity is just one race. The lands of the earth are one place in which to live. "...two great processes are at work in the world: the Great Plan of God, tumultuous in its progress, working through mankind as a whole, tearing down barriers to world unity and forging mankind into a unified body in the fires of suffering and experience..."

We should love, care and respect each other and be ready to help bravely and genuinely when needed. "Be as a lamp unto them that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed and upholder and defender of the victim of oppression."

Following imaginary ideas in our life separate us from real education and hinders our faith in God.

The first National Baha'i Conference of the Five Years Plan established successfully in 2001, and many Baha'is took part to attend the Conference and enjoyed loving Baha'i communication for the more recognition of the Baha'i Faith in UK and other countries.

What we would say for our thinking and our feeling;

All our Baha'i love and all our graceful teaching and dealing.

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