Baha'i Faith : is the Language of Heart and the Faith of Unity 
Live Video: Essential Harmony between Sciences and Religions

This video has been recorded in August 2024 (181 Baha'i Calendar)

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty

Dear Visitors,

Thank you for visiting our website, today I wish to talk with you about another important matters. Baha'i believe that there is essential Harmony between Religions and Sciences.

Religion guides and directs the Science about the items they are doing; must be for the improvement of the life and movement of all the people. Whatever Science discovers or invents and creates should be helping the people with the following important items.

1) Education - with all the better education that they received from the guidance of the Science make them able to change their lives better.

2) Diet - what the Science discovers or creates about the diet of the human that would help all the people of the world to move better and act better for their day to day.

3) Health - obviously, huge changes and improvements are happening for the health of the people and with all the new ways of operations and new medicines, the health of the people went better and better.

4) Home - again the discovery or inventions by Science; the homes of the people at present comparing with the past is much better, safer and more convenient with all the modern technology of building houses.

5) Raising children - this is very important job and scientific way of guiding the people which make them more able to look after their children and their family.

6) Having Job and Maintaining it, is another direction which all the people received help from Science and Religion.

7) Creating new businesses and all the creative items from the discovery of Science move better and better.





AbdulBaha said:

Religion and Science are the two wings upon which man's intelligence can soar into the heights, with which the human soul can progress. It is not possible to fly with one wing alone. Should a man try to fly with the wing of religion alone, he would quickly fall into quagmire of superstition, but on the other hand, with the wing of Science alone he would also make no progress but fall into despairing of slough of materialism.

There is one important matter involving the improvements of the life that moves to the better communications with the people, this too, became much better and considered all their friends or the people they are talking with them. They are their family and look at them with love, peace and care. More effect of Religions and Sciences are shown with all the people communicating with each other, with all the respect and happiness and looking at each other as universal family. Also considered we do not need war and we do not need to act with prejudice.

After years of services in this way provided by Religions and Sciences we could see still the War and Prejudice standing everywhere. Unfortunately, United Nations which representing all the people of the world at present do not have power to stop the war. Therefore, Baha'i faith believes that Baha'u'llah's message from God, is all the people of the world are family and they must have legitimate world government to stop the war without delay and help the two conflicting countries financially and give advisory help.

Thank you very much and all the best for all your movements and wishes and happiness.



From hill to hill top, we are moving fast without stop,

Going all the way looking peace and love without drop.

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