Baha'i Faith-is the Language of heart and the Faith of Unity

---------------Some of the Shoghi Effendi's Writing

"Unification of the whole mankind is the hall-mark of the stage which human society is now approaching unity of family, of tribe, of city state and nation. World unity is the goal towards which a harassed humanity is striving. Nation building has come to an end. The anarchy inherent in state sovereignty is toward a climax. A world growing to maturity, must abandon this fetish, recognize the oneness of wholeness of human relationship, and establish once and for all the machinery can best incarnate this fundamental principle of its life."
"The unity of the human race in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are close and permanently united, and in which the autonomy of each state members and the personal freedom and initiative of the individual that composed them are definitely and completely safeguarded."
"A world-language will either be invented of chosen from among the existing languages and will be taught in the school of all federated nations as an auxiliary to their mother's tongue. A world-script, a world literature, a uniform and universal system of currency, of weight and measures, will simplify and facilitate understanding among the nations and races of mankind."
"In such a world society, Science and Religion, the two most potent forces in human life will be reconciled, will cooperate and will harmoniously develop. National rivalries, hatreds and intrigues will cease and racial animosity and prejudice will be replaced by racial amity, understanding and cooperation. The cause of religious strife will be permanently removed. Economic barriers and restrictions will be completely abolished."
"The flames which His divine justice have kindled cleanse an unregenerated humanity, and fuse its discordant, its warring elements as no other agency can cleanse or fuse them. It is not only a retributory and destructive fire, but a disciplinary and creative process, whose aim is the salvation, through unification of the entire planet."u
"The new world order whose promise is enshrined in the revelation of Baha'u'lla'h; whose fundamental principles involve no less than the complete unification of the entire human race. This unification should conformed to such principles as would directly harmonize with the spirit that animates, and that laws that govern the operation of the institutions that constitute the structural basis of the administrative order of the faith."
"God's purpose is none other else than to usher in, in ways He alone can bring about, and the full significance which He alone can fathom, the great, the golden age of a long divided, along afflicted humanity. Its present state, indeed even its immediate future, is dark, distressingly dark. Its distance future, however,-is radiant, gloriously radiant so radiant that no eye can visualize it."
"Humanity whether viewed in the light of the man's individual conduct or in the existing relationships between organized communities and nations; has, alas, strayed too far and suffered too great a declined to be redeemed through the unaided efforts of the best among its recognized rulers and statement, however --disinterested their motives, concerted their action, however unsparing in their zeal and devotion to its cause."

Honourable Baha'is visiting each other in USA.

If there is shadow darkness in our hearts and in our minds;

The glorious messages of Baha'u'lla'h animate happiness all kinds.

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