Baha'i Faith: ----is the Language of Heart & the Faith of Unity
Baha'i Principles: ------------Universal Language
THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN Recorded in January 2022(179 Baha'i Calendar)

Speaker: Capt. Mohabaty


One of the important teachings & the principles of the Bahá'í Faith is Universal language.

Misunderstanding among the people who do not speak the same language is high. It may create friction without result and without achievement especially in those important delicate subjects such as: belief in God, religion, emotional and hearty matters. It is very vital for us to speak the same language especially for the politicians when they talk to another country for important subjects such as peace, war, resolution, agreement, merger; this kind of important matters which affect everybody; they must speak the same language.

At the moment, what they do, is different from each country. When they meet another member of other country, each of them they speak their own language and translator translates to that side and that side they speak again their own language and translates to this side.

As a result, they don't get understanding as much as possible than that if it is in a direct communication. We see always that this kind of contact is a failure. Right now, the world is not at peace. There is load of problems in the world which is the cause of the problem for the millions of people. They are under poverty line, or they don't have job, or they don't have home or they are not happy, they don't know what to do.

This is a serious problem for humanity right now. If we look at just this example the world wars I & II. What happen? We go back to ourselves. What happened to our great grandparents on those days? Load of damages have been done to the land of God, millions of people lost their lives, millions of houses, establishments, businesses and jobs have been destroyed. What was the reason? They investigated, they came back with the answer: there was lack of dialogue and having load of misunderstanding. They did not speak the same language, they did not find themselves having a proper dialogue to talk .That is why they decided to go to the war to solve the problem.

Today's generation and tomorrow's generation never want to go to that kind of war again. This land of God should have a Peace. That is why the Baha'i Faith is coming and approaching, to campaign for peace in the world starting from "Universal Language".

"Universal Language" is the Top of all the problems. At the same time trust and confidence among the people should become higher and higher everyday because they need each other; to be friends, to work with each other, to love each other, to feel a family. This again comes better if they speak the same language.

Right now, we have load of government with different understanding and different decisions. Most of the time it does not help. We do not have peace in a practical way. The reason is this United Nations right now is not working. It is under the control of five countries. If they veto, they cannot pass any resolution. They cannot also tell to any country not go to the war; they cannot stop them to break the law of human rights. If they break the law and hurt the people, they can say nothing.

The 'United Nations' must be United Nation legitimate world government so they bring that equal opportunity, right and respect to all other people. These millions of people right now in poverty, in refugee, without hope, without home, gradually, they find themselves in different life.

The Baha'i Faith believes that it is possible, (and world does not have any other way to create peace) is to bring 'Universal Language' on top of the agenda and put the people together for the trust and confidence and create a world government.

I will read you a holy writing:

"By Having 'Universal Language, they would in this way acquire only two languages: one their own native tongue, the other one the language in which all the peoples of the world would converse."

"The day is approaching when all the people of the world will have adapted one universal language, one common script. These things are absolutely essential."

Thank you for listening.


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